Monday, October 18, 2010

A moment of clarity.

So I'm sitting on a tram, and I'm tired, my day has been huge and I'm ready to fall into my bed like it's no ones business, and I'm not sure why, it may be the dangerous mix of Vampire Weekend playing in my ears and general all-round tiredness, but I suddenly realise that life is ridiculously good. I look around, at the Asian girl wearing absurd amounts of white fur, the middle-aged woman asleep with her mouth ajar, the young couple in matching cargo/converse get up and that weird guy who looked at me maybe too many times, and I'm suddenly overwhelmed by their presence; by other human beings, with all their talents and their flaws, but not even these things seem to be overwhelming me, it's more just human beings, being.

We make wars, and we make families, we run countries and we fret over that text message from that girl, and we dress ourselves every morning, and we feel all these bizarre emotions for all these bizarre reasons, and the smallest thing can change our mood, like a guy wearing a nice pair of shoes, or a breeze in the sun, or an unknown person smiling in your direction, and you are all as amazingly complex as myself, yet, on the other hand, we are all so similar and so simple. Simple in a lovely way. And that's what I think I realised; that the human race is just lovely. And you could say I'm just a naive optimist, but I don't think that's such a bad thing. I'm not going to push anything on you; I just want to you to know, that I know how lovely you are. Whoever you are. And that is all.

In other news, today marked the completion of my latest film Universal. My third VCA short, and, if I may say so, my best film to date. It is unbelievably happy, and you can see the opening credits below (made by my awesome graphic designer brother Samantha). I know I promised screenshots of the film but I totally forgot, so this will have to do for now.

I can't believe my first year of film school is almost over and I still haven't watched The Godfather. I mean I tried, BUT IT WAS BORING! Don't kill me. But nevertheless, life is moving forward and there are huge things ahead. Read Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer if you want to read the book that made half my family vegan (and myself it's lesser sidekick - vegetarian). Watch Romancing The Stone, an old but timeless masterpeice (perhaps), starring a young and stunning Micahel Douglas who sweeps Kathleen Turner off into a crazy Colombian jungle romp while looking super attractive to no end. And listen to the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club for some decent rock/indie/coolness with a little Strokes vibe, compliments of my housemate Eliza.

Also, I've had remarkable feedback from y'all since restarting this blog, so thankyou.

I love you all and I'll be back soon.

The boy atomic.


  1. what's this about being unable to watch The Godfather. How can you appreciate the mastery that's the Godfather Part II if you can't get through part I, hah hah. I know not every movie is for everyone. I've been reading a lot lately. It's not that I'm any less of a film fan. I've just wanted to get back into reading for leisure as opposed to discovering I like certain authors because they're on reading lists for English courses. So what other ideas for short films do you have planned?

  2. you don't have to be a film buff to be a film-maker

