Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bones, Drones and Emma Stones.

Holy mother. What a massive couple of months! It seems like the HSC was only yesterday, yet it's now only a few days from Christmas and I find myself, once again, unorganised and unprepared. But, truthfully, nothing can burst my bubble right now, not even the looming shadow of Father Christmas (wielding a sharpened candy cane and a big red sack full of explosives) because less then 48 hours ago I discovered that I have got into film school. Please, save your applause and your congratulatory words for another occasion. I have got so many in the past two days that I now have a head the size of Jupiter and cheeks burning from the increased amount of smiling.

But nonetheless, this is the best news I have ever received (even better then 'I guess I can do it for $3.50', and 'We won't have to amputate your left testicle'), and now begins the countdown to that daunting day where I ascend (or perhaps descend) to independence and move to Melbourne, all alone, with only the clothes on my back, a wallet full of stolen cash and a photograph of my one love, Stella.

Actually, it won't be like that at all, I just thought that sounded romantic. In fact, the day will more likely be full of tears and hugs and delayed confessions of love, but that's the way I expect it to be god damn it!

In other news, the coming weekend brings with it the production of a Tropfest short film. A lady friend and I got talking and it was eventually revealed that not only was I eager to get experience on film sets, but that she was a filmmaker and was making a Tropfest film! (For those of you who don't know what Tropfest is, its the biggest short film festival in Australia and gets applicants from around the world. To even get into the top 50 is a big deal, let alone win it.)

So she has given me a title (The 1st Ad: I yell 'Prepare for shoot!' 'Prepare for rehearsal!' 'Where's my god damn skinny mocha you useless whores!?' etc, etc) but really I am just there to watch, listen and learn. Which is going to be awesome and I'm excited to say the least. Add the fact that she is going to give me a reference to throw into my resume and this weekend looks to be a win/win for everyone.

Not me! Yells Tiger Woods. Meh, who even cares about you? Not me. Actually, on that topic, what an idiot.

End of topic.

In movies news, all the films I have blogged about in the past few months are coming out and surprisingly enough, its the films I didn't blog about that are stealing my attention and love. Films like Zombieland and Paranormal Activity have made a serious impact on me while Where The Wild Things Are seems to have slipped under the radar. Avatar is yet to be released, but everyday the anticipation seems to build, so I hope that it delivers all James Cameron has promised.

Peter Jackson's The Lovely Bones is also something I am excited for, purely for its family-friendly content (rape, murder and crazy dead girls.) But all sarcasm aside, it looks fantastic.

Peter Jackson rules for a huge number of reasons. He makes hawaiian shirts cool, he lost heaps of weight without going on The Biggest Loser and he made Lord Of The Rings but aside from all of that, he emerged from tiny little New Zealand, successfully made the biggest movies series EVER and has sparked a huge boom in films being made there. So in that way I guess he's a bit of a role model for me. And he should be for anyone thinking it's impossible to reach success from nonexistent places.
I've also decided to make a section called: My Badass Babe For Today as we all know I'm obsessed with girls doing hot stuff in movies. Today, the Badass Babe Award goes to Emma Stone.

Not only because she is stunning, an awesome actress (and good acting is hot) but also because she fires a pump-action shotgun like a natural badass. Check out her asskicking performances in Zombieland, The House Bunny and Superbad. In my opinion, she blows the skimpy pants off Megan Fox or any other Hollywood 'hotties'.
Last but not least, I bought the Star Wars original trilogy on DVD and I am going to sit down and watch them all in their remastered glory.

And it's not my fault if I then buy Princess Leia memorabilia on Ebay.

Oh yeah.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The I-Have-No-Idea-What-You're-Saying Smile.

So I constantly find myself baring witness to something I can only call awkward. It's a little thing I like to call The I-Have-No-Idea-What-You're-Saying Smile. We all get them. We all give them. But you'd be wrong in thinking this is a cheesy slogan from an 80's porno.

For you see, this smile is so offensive and so pitiful that it is absolutely and completely taboo. It is so shameful that no one ever mentions it. It's like when a bum comes up to you and swears rapidly in a foreign tongue; he's right there, but you're forced to ignore him or risk being stabbed/shot/choked/spat on or if you're really unlucky, followed for several kilometres until you jump into a moving vehicle to escape the foul-smelling hell he has beseeched upon you.

The common scenario for the I Have No Idea Smile usually begins with a friendly chat between two people - BUT WAIT - this is no friendly chat at all, as one of the persons has somewhere to be OR has more important things on the mind OR doesn't like the person they are chatting too. Ulterior motives one could say. So from the start this chat is doomed to end badly.

They begin to discuss something irrelevant and most probably boring as ass and then the desperate person who has entered this conversation with all intentions too leave fazes out and gives the I Have No Idea What You're Saying Smile and BOOM! - the revelation dawns on the other that they have just been the victim of THE SMILE.

All dignity you once had is out the door. The level of respect that person had for you drops to 'NONEXISTENT' and they come to one of two realisations: 1) They realise they must be boring and vow to never be boring again or 2) They realise they don't really like you that much anymore. Either way, this Smile is monumental.

But it is those of us who can identify the Smile and stop it in it's tracks that are the best off. You see, I'm a bit of a pussy and I avoid confrontation but if I'm ever given the I Have No Idea What You're Saying Smile I will most definitely say something along these lines: 'You have no idea what I just said do you?' or 'Oh my god, you cheap bastard, you're not even listening!' or 'You just smiled when I told you I almost had my scrotum amputated!' And trust me, that last line is used far more often then you think.

So I say we bring an end to all awkwardness that the Smile manifests. Instead, as a species, we should vow to always confront a person if they ever throw one at us, or perhaps (and this suggestion is probably less fun but morally right) actually start listening to people. But when has listening ever helped the world?

Never! Chants every deaf person in the world. I'm sorry, disabilities aren't funny. Except for that one where they turn into Elephants.

In light of this I have started a facebook group: - this way we can share our experiences and opinions on the I Have No Idea What You're Saying Smile.

I have also seen Terry Gilliam's The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus twice and it is brilliant and confusing and amazingly well made. I truly suggest you see it because not only is it Heath Ledger's final performance, it also stars Lily Cole, the most perfect woman in the entire world. I call dibs everyone.

She is a supermodel/actress/giant and she is generally amazing at everything. Also, I thought I might add an update to my film school quest. I got the interview. This is HUGE news. This means I can go down to Melbourne on the 19th and hopefully destroy the VCA and everyone in it. This is it guys. I'll be certain to give you a blow by blow recount when it happens which I'm sure you'll all really enjoy but if I get the feeling I'm getting any cyber I Have No Idea Smile's I will - probably do nothing.

Then again, I may hunt you down.

Until next time my darlings...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Future.

Does the future scare you? I like to think it doesn't, I like to think I am excited for the future but in actual fact, yes, the future does scare me. I don't think it scares me because I'm afraid of death, or pain, or strife, that sort of thing is a definite in life and something we must deal with when the time comes, I think I am actually scared of the future because I'm afraid I won't like what I find.

It seems like everyone and everything in our world today is aiming for a 'big, bright future where all our problems are forgotten and all our needs are fulfilled!' but when I actually think about it, I don't want that. I mean, the first flying car has already been made and the other night I discovered I can watch live video feeds from hundreds of thousands of camera's all around the world (see yet this is not a comforting thought.

When I think about the depictions of the future in sci-fi films (Bladerunner, The Fifth Element, I Robot etc) I never ever think, 'oh, I can't wait to live in a world like that!' and I'm sure you'd agree, so why is every scientist and inventor in the world trying to create that? I like doing the dishes by hand, sleeping in a nice comfy bed, in a normal house that isn't just another claustrophobic block in the middle of a huge apartment complex and I like having the freedom to aspire and to travel and to explore the world and tests my limits.

It's a shame to see how much we've changed even in 100 years. When our parents were young you barely had to fill in a form to travel the world, yet nowadays we have to have more than enough money in the bank, and a green card and fit into a thousand different categories. In our grandparent's day they'd just get on a boat and sail wherever they pleased. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't particularly want to live in their day (although I do love tea and scones and pretentiousness) but on the other hand I don't want to live in the scary, hopeless depictions we see in films and books. I want to live now.

Would it be too naive of me to ask if the whole world could just stop growing? I mean, please by all means, continue finding cures to terrible diseases, but stop making space ships, invisibility cloaks (I kid you not) and nuclear weapons. Let's just have an international timeout.

But alas, I am no Barack Obama, just a kid of 17 looking for a good time, therefore what I say has no weight in the real world, but that doesn't mean it's not of any worth. I hope the human race takes heed of the many warnings we have been given across the last century, that we wont just be some species, on some planet that wipes themselves out, allowing other species from other planets to make documentaries about our sad demise.

Although I wouldn't mind seeing that.

In other news, The Sartorialist (an internationally renowned blog that photographs real people wearing awesome things) has released a book - and I want it.

This blog is brought to you by - every question you get right, 10 grains of rice is donated to a 3rd world country.

Best idea since Hermione Granger.

Monday, October 19, 2009

My Life & Nicholas Cage.

Of late I have noticed my blogs getting bigger and bigger and spreading to more and more topics. Not that it worries me, but I started this blog to show the few readers that I have my path to fame, fortune and all those other good things. You see I want to make films for the rest of my life and I want to do it well, so in light of this recent revelation, I shall update you on my aspirations and what I am currently doing to reach them.

First and foremost I am now a film-schooler-in-waiting, preparing to get an email any day now from the Victorian College of Arts, beckoning me to fly down to them and have an interview. For those who do not know, the VCA was the first film school in Australia and is the NIDA of film schools. This place is hard to get into but those who do reap the rewards. To get into the VCA I had to apply in August, receiving tests in September that I had four weeks to complete and send back in.

The first was a short story using one of these criteria: 'A Fresh Start' and 'The Travelling Companion' of which I chose A Fresh Start. My short story (800 words max, which is nothing making it hard to write in) told the tale of an office worker who lets his imagination get the better of him. The story was morbid, I will admit and may have ended with a black twist but nevertheless I am happy with it. The second test was a series of photo's using the criteria 'No Way Out' or 'Itching' of which I chose Itching, creating a semi-autobiographical tale of a boy itching to travel the world. The difficulty with this was I could only use 9 photographs, meaning each photo had to tell a tale of its own, building character, story and it had to have a unpredictable twist at the end.

My twist was not a bad one; I mean, I didn't want them to get the image I was a screwed up teenage boy with a penchant for writing deranged and gruesome stories did I? Even though I may be. So, with a need to prove I was a flexible creator, the boy leaves, suitcase in hand, finally leaving to fulfil his dreams, when he is stopped by the girl of his dreams. We then flash forward to show him with a family, aged and.... happy? Yes happy.
The moral of this story (I always have a moral; they rule) is as reassuring to me as it probably is to anyone; Even if you stray from your dreams, you can always find happiness. This is good thing to remember in case I end up living on the streets begging for money. You can find the series of photographs at my flickr here:

The rest of the tests were: a Statement of why I had to get into the course (not being modest but it kicked ass), a Resume of all film and film related things I had done and finally 2 Hypothetical Film Ideas I would like to make if I get in. Now, I would tell you those but they aren't copyrighted and I really do want to make them. Sorry guys.

Since then I have re-edited The Room, cleaning up what needed to cleaned up and really just tried to relax as much as possible. If I don't now, I never will. Since school is over I have also decided to follow in the footsteps of the great Baz Luhrmann and write a screenplay while I am young. Baz (we're on a first name basis) wrote his first film Strictly Ballroom while he was at NIDA and made it into a feature film when he finished. This is inspiring I guess and makes me want to do the same.

So that's that. I'm sorry if you are now lying dead before your computer. When your parents run in after calling you for dinner several times I'm sure they will look at what you were reading, and if they survive further than you I pray that they read this; I'm sorry for killing your child. There, that takes a load off of my mind.

In other news, most of the films I have blogged about are nearing their releases. Including Where the Wild Things Are, Avatar, Nine and 9. I promise to see them as soon as I can as to warn you or encourage you depending on my critique of them. Although, my words may be bias though as I am easy to please (just ask your mum), but seriously, all I need is a big screen, popcorn and that warm atmosphere of the cinema and anything that appears before me gets the thumbs up.

Unless that thing is Nicholas Cage.

I will admit, as much as I hate him, that is a great photo, really draws out his eyes.

Until next time guys...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Two Months Later....

So here I sit, sick and exhausted, on this cold, cold night, making the decision to actually blog once again. Its been two months guys so I guess a cliche line like long time, no see is in order. Maybe a why didn't you call? Or a where is my daughter you thieving bastard!? I'm joking, I know where she is.

I wonder what you have all been doing over the past few months? Tell me, I'm interested. My months followed the path of stress, stress, stress really, I handed in my short film (after leaping and pouncing catlike over the many obstacles it threw before me), did my trial exams, took a trip to Melbourne, applied to film school in Melbourne, effectively defended myself and brutally obliterated the army of tests they sent to prove my worth, finished year 12, had my formal (or 'prom' for you amero-canadians), partied, celebrated, studied, revised and got sick. But don't get the idea it was bad. Trust me, it has been a great few months. But now I must study for those ugly exams that are flying PowerPoint style towards me with horrible classical music accompanying them. And study I will.

I've also decided to post some photos of my adventures over the past few months as proof they exist and as a reasonable excuse as to why I haven't blogged. I am sorry, really. First off we have two of my favourite images from my film The Room. Just in case you forgot, The Room is about four teens who run away from reality into an imaginary place where all their problems are forgotten. The first image is from a scene where The Room shows its supernatural, random self by dressing the characters in Shakespearian, the second from the finale when they realise it is evilllll (cue spooky music and ghost cry).....

Here is the proof of my Melbourne visit:

Our final days of school:

And here is one of the only formal photos that survived my scrutinous 'Do-I-Look-Like-An-Absolute-Douchebag?' test. The stunning girl in the middle is Mel and my best friend Dan on the left:

But enough about that. I want to talk film and television now. Here is the list of films and shows I have watched over the past two months that I now recommend to you:

List of Films and Shows I Have Watched Over The Past Two Months That I Recommend To You

1. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist - Yes I know, came out two years ago but it really is one of the greatest films I have ever seen. Truthfully. Do you know how hard it is to make it into my 'Greatest Films of I Have Ever Seen' list? Its almost as hard as the 'People I Want To Murder With An Axe In Particular Lady Gaga' list. This film is awesome, the dialogue, the content, the adventurous plot and the characters. Oh and the music. All in all this is a top film. See it.

2. Adventureland - This film was amazingly good. I entered extremely skeptical, seeming as I hate Twilight and everyone in it, but Kristen Stewart and her co-star Jesse Eisenberg were awesome. Add to that a good storyline and a sweet setting (in a theme park in the late 80's) and I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. Warning: May have overused teen angst themes, but what doesn't these days?

3. Atonement - Holy crap guys. I can't explain to you how good this film is. All I can say is see it. Now. Stop what you're doing, tell everyone you know to leave you alone, take the phone off the hook and watch it. You will be moved and astounded by its visual beauty and the awesome storyline.

4. Dan In Real Life - So, I'm have a confession and it goes something like this: I'm in love with Juliette Binoche. This film is rad. Steve Carrell and other awesome people (including Dane Cook and Miss. Binoche) star in this indie flick (of sorts) about a dude with three daughters, going back to his hometown for a big family gathering. Action ensues. Top film, be prepared to fall in love with Juliette. Favourite Quote: YOU ARE A MURDER OF LOVE!

5. Vicky Christina Barcelona - Self explanatory. This film is fantastic. A definite buy-before-you-see sort of film. Johansson is on par with her Lost In Translation days, Javier Bardem is excellent and Penelope Cruz is well - Penelope Cruz. Yes, this is a great film.

6. Gossip Girl - Okay, I think I've said it before but there is no judging on my blog. So all those evil thoughts you just sent my way were just destroyed by my automatic judge-sensing machine guns. Besides, this show is addictive as hell and even though in every episode this guy is dumping that girl and that girl is with this guy etc etc everyone is good looking, the acting is good, the clothing is amazing and the city is awesome so what more could you want? Watch it before you shut it down and I guarantee you will get hooked.

7. Glee - This show seemed to go off the rails in its pilot but surprisingly I think it may just pick itself back up. Sure the characters are predictable and two-dimensional and sure the show probably has a shelf life, but it is the first of its kind and the music is good so I think we should all help it out a little. If not, lets destroy it mercilessly but keep the concept alive - perhaps some aspiring teenage legend will come up with a better, long lasting idea for a musical TV show? Who knows....

8. Pushing Daisies - My brother always told me this was his favourite show and I never really took any notice. That was before I bought him the first season on DVD. This show is so well made. I mean it. Its about a pie maker who brings the dead back to life for a minute with a single touch but if they are alive any longer than a minute, they are alive forever and something of equal value dies in their place. Every episode, location and scene is stylised though ie. The pie shop is all in shades of green and the waitresses house is all in pink and white floral. ITS AMAZING. And INSPIRING. You must see it to understand how cool it is. So - see it!

9. 30 Rock - This has been my all time favourite show for quite some time so I just thought I should remind y'all about it as I love it more than I've ever loved a show. Tina Fey is a genius. The 13 Emmy's (or something crazy like that) prove it. Watch this show.

So that's my list. I know, its kind of small, but thats just your entree. There will be more. Unfortunatley as mentioned before I am sick and that means I am slowly dying inside as I type each word.......


Friday, August 7, 2009

Some crazy Basterds and some average Joes.

It was a cold, windy night, as I sat in my study, playing on the many useless distractions of the mighty interweb when, out of the blue, I receive a call from my eldest sister, who proceeds to, without a single breath, inform me, in a high-pitched-hasty-tone, that Inglorious Basterds was premiering in the beautiful city of Sydney and that Quentin Tarantino was going to be there, on the red carpet, and that tickets were selling fast. Well, in the words of the great Velma Kelly, I completely blacked out, I cant remember a thing, it wasn't until later, as I was printing off three, deliciously crisp tickets I even knew they were dead!

No one was dead. Don't get your knickers in a knot. But three days later I was walking down the red carpet, towards the entrance to the State Theatre when, low and be-bloody-hold, there, speaking animatedly to a journo, is my absolute hero, Quentin Tarantino.

You can't hate me if I wet my pants a little alright? There's no judging on this blog. So, I proceeded into the theatre after a little hyperventilating (in the completely stereotypical oh my god oh my god way) to have my mismatched socks completely blown off by his latest film Inglorious Basterds.

What an amazing film. I won't say too much though as I'm pretty sure there was some rule on the tickets saying I shall die a long and painful death if I utter even a whisper of the contents of the production. What I will say is, it was long, full of delectable, drawn out dialogue that only Tarantino can produce, equalled in intense, ear-splitting (in the best way possible), graphic action and too top it off featured some the greatest music I've ever seen accompanied with a film, and that's saying something, because I'm deaf.

I'm not deaf. And I have no intention to offend those who are. The film was amazing though and when it finally hits screens (more like sucker punches screens - followed by repeated stabbings in the chest and jugular - followed by several roundhouses kicks and finished off with double eye gouges) you must see it. Even the girls who hate violence. I mean, it's Brad Pitt, don't all girls just froth over the opportunity to see Brad Pitt act? Talk? Blink? Live a life in reverse, turning from an old, saggy man into a young, good looking boy, continuing onwards (or more like backwards) to the single sperm and egg we are all made from? (C'mon, you've all seen it...or guessed at least). So there.

In other news, I think I may have been right about GI: JOE, which was viewed by my eyeballs last night. Okay. Here's the breakdown. Sienna Miller was hot, stole every scene and fought like a feisty cat (and we like that okay?), Channing Tatum (the guy from all those fairy-boy films) was mediocre but that may be because the script gave the illusion (and quite convincingly) that three 7 year old girls had wrote it.

It was that bad. I tried to see the good in the film, I really did, but even the impressive chase scenes couldn't outweigh the rest of the film, which got progressively more unbelievable as the film went on. You have to see it though, its a blockbuster and not many come round a year. Truthfully I kept on expecting the vehicles to transform and start fighting. They didn't.

So, filming for The Room (go back a few blogs, 'tis my major work) is almost wrapped up and although being the sole organiser has been difficult, its has also been awesomely rewarding and fantastic. I can't wait until I can have professionals surrounding me, working as a team to make my ideas into awesome realities.

And believe you me, they will be awesome realities.

But as I am currently crushed beneath a billion tonnes of work (I managed to find my laptop and wifi to write this, and oddly enough I comfy cushion made from denim with a pretty little heart stitched - okay.) I must now begin to complete it (or at least set fire to it, peice by peice) so until next time; adios amigos.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Does anyone like Politics?

I don't know about you but I find politics completely boring. Now, I'm young and free (and single, so if you're looking for a good time call me) and politics have never really affected me, nor I to them. You see, I'm focused on what I perceive as more important things instead of being worried about rebates, reforms and recessions, in fact, you could say I loathe politics. Although loathe is a big word, the sort you save for people who chew with their mouths open, enjoy Nicholas cage films and hate ABBA.

So, with this knowledge, you will understand why I would be slightly insulted in this situation:

Friend: So what are you doing after school?

Me: Going to film school biiitch!

Friend: Really? I thought you were going into politics?

Me: What? Really?

Friend: Yeah, I swear you told me that once.

Me: Had you just seen me inject drugs into my arm because I don't think I would ever sanely tell someone that.

Friend: Hey, settle down, you'd actually suit the part.

Me: *slaps*

I didn't actually slap him (because slapping is weak and a punch to the mouth would have been more efficient) but I was unsure whether to be offended or complimented and I was also gobsmacked (in a completely over-the-top, jaw dropped, eyes wide, hands to the face, Home Alone sort of way) that he had thought I was going into politics.

I mean, I'm the freak who has a poster of the hookers from Sin City on his wall, not the election poster of John Howard from 1998! I'm the guy who quotes Kill Bill, who calls his friends padawan, who raves on and on about Emma Watson, who constantly drops uninteresting-but-personally-intriguing facts about films and whose freaking Myspace headline was 'I'm going to be the next Tarantino.'

I mean I see that and think immediately, 'He'll be a great politician.'

That was a lie. I know, I got myself there too.

Anyway, we never really finished the conversation which is a shame as I would have liked to yell all this at him but I guess then that it was a good thing that we were stopped. Back to the topic of politicians I believe I was told to mention Kevin Rudd in this blog, but I decided against it for three reasons; 1) I fear if I start on him Imay never finish as everything about him makes me angry 2) I really have nothing factual to say about him and 3) I don't like politics so why write a blog about them. Oh wait. That's right! I just did! To wipe your minds clean of this I will amaze you with something worth being amazed by:

So I spoke about this briefly a few entries back but I decided to elaborate as it really looks amazing. The film revolves around a new planet called Pandora where blue humanoid aliens (see below) roam peacefully. The human race creates a hybrid species called Avatars (half-human, half-cyborg) that are able to be sent into the planet and controlled by a telepathic link. But one of the Avatars (Sam Worthington, robot from the latest Terminator, born and bred in Australia) falls in love with an alien princess (Zoe Saldana from Star Trek) and my guess is some crazy stuff follows. It was written by James Cameron 14 years ago but the technology to make his ideas into a reality was unavailable so it was postponed. Luckily for us that technology is now in existence and after 4 years of hard work it is almost here. Avatar is going to be fantastic and it comes out on December 18th.

Let's just hope there is no mention whatsoever of that 90's song 'I'm Blue' otherwise I'll have to kill someone.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Isn't it annoying when you go to say something and then realise it's a cliche? That thousands upon thousands of people have used this line, have taken full advantage of it, so many times in fact that not only is this line treated as corny and overused but all meaning it once held has been lost?

I find this problem getting to me, more and more, recently. Call me sentimental but it's hard to accept the fact that this is my final year in school and that I may not be seeing a lot of the people I have come to know ever again. In light of this I have been trying to encourage those I know to actually do what it takes to get what they want instead of just bumming out, marrying young, birthing several annoying boys, getting divorced and retiring at the age of sixty, saggy, bitter and toothless, as is the custom nowadays.

Yet even I know it would be hard to take me seriously (and I can be serious) when I'm saying things like 'shoot for the stars!' and 'follow your dreams!'. This is because those things are said so much (normally by weird men with slicked hair, big glasses, shirt and tie encouraging us to go for gold and to touch them in their bathing suit areas) that they are rated as 'UNCOOL' instead of 'COOL'.

So I decided to try and find some new phrases to use that would see me getting happy, excited faces instead of shut-the-hell-up faces. But, alas, it didn't work. Instead I came full circle and realised, to my annoyance, that they are cliche's because they're all we have. 'Try hard you little Trooper!' just doesn't have the same ring to it as 'Go for gold!' and 'Make sure you do what you really want to do because if you don't you'll die a slow, painful death to the hands of the Japanese Yakuza!' just doesn't feel as light and fluffy as 'Only you can make your dreams a reality!'.

So what to do in this conundrum? Well, we already have the answer. Because of this situation (and due majorly to the fact that we are so unoriginal we can't even produce new phrases) we created the line 'It sounds stupid (or dumb, or cliched, or overused, or hilariously lame) but seriously....' This phrase is used to keep us safe from those shut-the-hell up looks (god damn them) and the ratings of 'UNCOOL'.

It works. I use it. 'It sounds stupid but seriously, you have to follow your heart.' - Quote me. Yesterday. So perhaps we need to embrace the cliche instead of hating it or putting it in the bad ratings box (alongside anything on Channel 9, southern cross tattoos and gossiping middle-aged women with coffee breath and bad smoking habits). Perhaps the cliche just needs some loving.

In other news director Robert Rodriquez who is sometimes in my list of favourites and then sometimes not is releasing Red Sonja next year based on the comic series and starring his fiancee (and mega babe) Rose McGowan.

Admit it, it looks awesome, let's just hope Rodriguez is in a Sin City mood while making this and not a Planet Terror mood, or worse, a Spy Kids 3.

PS: Check out the awesome flashing Che pic!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Next up on my list of things to see is this:You may have seen the add or two for it on TEN, and it looked rad so I decided to put a little research in. This show is a comedy about a high school glee club (like a drama club but with songs) and revolves around the two main characters (the modest, talented but innocent performer and the apprehensive, torn jock who loves to sing!) and is created by the dude that made Nip/Tuck (can't say I've ever watched an episode but meh). Anyway the makers of the show originally wanted it to be a film but the idea behind it was workable ("Its a movie" "We'll give you 100 million dollars to make it TV show" "Okay") so they decided to make it into a show. Now this is the exciting part (other than all the stuff I've just said), because of the grand scale of every song in the show some episodes can take up to 10 days to film and cost over $3 million dollars. Yeah. I'm pretty sure the budget for a Neighbours episode is around $3,000 (that includes every actors salary) so as you can see this show is going to be epic. Exhibit A: and Exhibit B: .

In other news, filming for The Room is going awesome. We're getting into the juicy stuff though so it is getting a little intense and I am beginning to understand the term 'holy mother of god I am so stressed!' but it is all good and I mean, I have time to blog right, so it can't be that bad? Next time I will have some lovely screenshots of the project that you can gleefully drool over.

Finally, prepare for Harry Potter. Emma Watson is coming. And oh my she looks fine.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Singing Cats.

So if you didn't know I'm kind of obsessed with musicals. I love the fact that in a musical not only can you have all the awesome elements of a film but also all the awesome elements of the stage with singing, dancing and all that spectacular creativity. But I'm not so much a fan of those boring musicals like the Mikado or Peter Pan but of the huge extravagant ones like Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Wicked, Across the Universe and, I'm just putting this out there, Mamma Mia.

So in light of this confession I want you to watch this: Its called Nine and it comes out in November. I'm very excited for this as its being directed by Rob Marshall, the dude who brought Chicago to the cinema (and trust me, I saw the Sydney production and it was a let down, purely, I deduced, because of Marshall's amazing version), and it stars Judi Dench, the lovely Penelope Cruz, Kate Hudson, Daniel Day Lewis, Marion Cotillard (academy award winner and serious babe from La Vie En Rose and upcoming Public Enemies) and Nicole Kidman (hopefully putting her back in the good books after Australia). This film centres around an Italian film director who is surrounded by all these beautiful women and must deal with them through the art of song and dance!

Check out those honey's (bar scary looking Fergie at the front. Hide your children. Seriously.) So I don't know if that makes you as excited as me but keeping in mind my last blog revolved around my weakness for badass babes and the fact that I love musicals I'm pretty sure this film was made for me. Definitely have tickets to this premiere.

So I've got two more films to talk to you about and coincidentally they both have the number 9 in their titles. The first is 9, produced by Tim Burton and directed by Shane Acker (basically a nobody) and Timur Bekmamsetov (Wanted) and starring Elijah Wood, John C.Reilly and one of the many women blue-tacked to my wall Jennifer Connelly. The animation looks awesome and it looks like the next Wall-E, meaning take some tissues and your youngest relative as not too look like a total idiot and prepare to be blown away. Here is the trailer: .

Last but not least is District 9 Set in South Africa after an alien race has landed and been enslaved by the government. It looks like a cool take on the documentary style films of late ( see Cloverfield and Quarantine) and should be worth $13 to go and see (or $40 if you're going to Greater Union). Brought to us by Peter Jackson check out the trailer here: I'm pretty sure that spaceship would be my weapon of choice in any knife fight.

One last thing, it's holidays soon, and we all know what that means, no, not 2-for-1 Tuesday's at the local brothel, it means I have more free time! So comment below and tell me how much you want me to blog every single day and I will।

Yes, that was a ploy to get you to comment. But do it. It makes me happy.

Happier then the person who invented viagra.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The amazing effects of puberty.

Once again my attention is brought to the amazingly beautiful and eternally awesome Emma Watson. I don't know what happened to her but why don't we all turn mega hot when we hit puberty? Reading the Sunday magazine I became aware that, not only is it the greatest weekend paper lift out IN the world, but that I have a serious weakness for babes doing awesome stuff in films. Emma Watson as Hermione is one example of this. Liv Tyler in the Strangers. Rosario Dawson in Death Proof. Alexis Bledel in Sin City. Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. And yes, I have to put this out there, Isabel Lucas in Transformers 2.

I don't know what it is but there is something very appealing to me (and not just physically) of seeing a girl kick ass. Or perhaps its when a girl breaks the perceptions we have of her. Yes, that sounds about right. I can't actually pinpoint it, but I feel elation when a girl does something unexpected and seriously hot in a movie. And I won't lie to you, there will always be hot babes in my films. And they will always do something amazing.

So I saw Transformers 2. I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand, I can see the awesome CGI, the big battles and the mega honeys in the forms of Fox and Lucas but on the other hand I can see the plot-holes, useless characters and then I can't see anything on account of the cameraman seemed to have an intense strain of arthritis resulting in blurred battle and chase sequences. I wanted more amazing slow-mo battle shots like in the first film and less annoying minor characters ie. those two gangstabots.

Oh well. We can only hope they will get new writers for Transformers 3 (already in development) and 'deal' with the old writers appropriately. Perhaps their families too.

In other news James Cameron (Terminator, Aliens, Titanic) has a new film coming out in November this year. Avatar stars Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez and mega-honey Zoe Saldana and revolves around a new planet, an alien race and a love story. Check out the teaser here:

Cameron has said it will be a mix of live action and CGI effects like never before although Im sure they said that about the Polar Express.

And we all know how that turned out.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Varla, my beloved.

Perhaps the most glorious thing that has happened to me all week was the discovery that Quentin Tarantino will be remaking the Russ Meyer classic Faster Pussycat, Kill! Kill! Yes. For those who know not of this film I will fill you in.

Basically this film revolves around three strippers who get sick of men and their woman-related obsessions and after an extended dancing scene (that even includes the 60's rendition of the "crump") they leave their club, hopping in badass convertibles (because every stripper could afford a convertible) and speed off to wreak havoc. They do. And they do it better than Demi Moore in Charlies Angels 2. After they come across a young couple in the middle of the desert (mind you, they have just been wildly drag racing so the audience is so shocked and aroused that the reason why they are in the desert is unimportant) and the feisty leader, (imagine sexy black hair, dominatrix style catsuit and dialogue to match) Varla, kills the male by doing a series of intense judo-like moves and eventually karate-chopping his throat, they then proceed to drug, gag and kidnap his girlfriend. The sexy, blonde (Billie) and the exotic Indian (Rosie) are forced to follow their leader and while they fill up at a gas station, the helpful attendant tells them that those two buff men over there live on a deserted ranch that has a huge stash of money hidden in it. Well Varla, being the minx she is, hatches a plan to steal the money and basically murder every character in the film.

Its truly awesome. Here is the poster (Varla is the hot one in black):

As you can see, it's splendour is immeasurable.

I'll be off now. Possibly the shortest blog in history (although I spent a lot of time on that blurb so deal with it.)

R.I.P Michael and Farrah.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Where are those Wild things?

So I filmed the first scene of The Room today. The aim of this scene was to pass through (in slo-mo of course) the life of one my characters and to show his life as it spirals out of control. To do this I needed several extra's to be his class/detention mates and a teacher to abuse him. NOTE: Teachers aren't good actors.

Or so I thought. It turned out my selection of Mr.Ringer was awesome and he came ready for action. After setting the shot up (taking in the fact that Mr.Ringer is the half-brother of Hagrid) we took 5 or 6 takes and then proceeded with close up's.

I can't properly describe how much relief I feel to know that 1) my ideas don't suck and work out like they should and 2) I have it in me to be a good director. Of course, if I'm going to destroy the world with my films then I will have to be more than a good director but at the moment, that is great.

To awake you from the slumber I have probably bored you into here are some things I think you may need to see:

Pics from, Where The Wild Things Are, written and directed by Spike Jonze (Being John Malcovich, Adaptation) have been released and it looks amazing. The animation looks like nothing I've seen before. So this is on the list of things to be excited for.

Check out the trailer here: . Also, Transformers 2 is out today and as soon as I have observed its beauty with my own two eyes I will report back and give you my thoughts (I promise no spoilers).

Let's just say that Isabel Lucas might have another stalker in the very near future.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mac vs. Windows

Okay, so whats with the Mac/Windows battle? I have a friend who is about to buy a Macbook and countless times I have now heard comments like 'Why a Mac? They suck,' or 'Mac's are a waste of money' to which the replies are 'Windows is easier to use' and 'Mac's are like navigating the Pacific Ocean without a pair of oars, or a boat, or a face.'

Now, I happen to have a HP laptop, with Windows, in fact, I've always had Windows, so of course when I use Mac I find it foreign and hard to use but aren't there more important things to fight about ie. The war in Iraq, If Miley Cyrus is a boy, If Gingers are actual people?

Let me illustrate my point with this forum debate.

Mac vs. Windows: Which is better?

Stefan: I have become seriously disappointed with my Macbook Pro at the moment.

Gatekeeper: Thats because Windows takes a huge dump on Mac.

Lady_Veera: That was rough.

Stefan: Yeah Gatekeeper, watch what you say.

Flashback: He's right. If Windows and Mac were in battle Windows would use its lightning sword to obliterate Mac. Mac is a sissy girl computer.

Stefan: WTF?

Lady_Veera: What's wrong with being a sissy girl?

Flashback: Macs.

GregM: Its basically choosing between Windows which are safe and reliable and Macs which are neat and clever.

Gatekeeper: Whatever Dick Smith. Windows wins forever times infinity.

GregM: Are you 5?

The conversation then continues into a series of completely explicit and outrageous obscenities that become progressively less coherent in each post (mainly thanks to Gatekeeper's lack of spell check, or, eyes). The point is, why do people care so much? Its like the Holden vs Ford battle. Or the Today vs. Sunrise battle. Everyone knows our trivial bickering's will have no effect whatsoever on the group of billionaire designers who sit on the top floor of those huge skyscrapers stroking their chins and discussing gold shoes while deciding the fate of the earth as we know it (I mean, I've heard they can breathe fire) so why do we bother?

NOTE: I'm not actually going to propose an answer to that as I have just remembered something much more important. Check this out:

Check out the trailer on youtube here: . Yeah. Consider my pants officially wet. Did you see the girl fight like I saw the girl fight? Hopefully the plethora of B-list actors in this film won't let it down. Either way this is a film worth getting excited for.

In other news official photo's of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland have been released and it looks positively amazing. Check out Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen:

As much as I love her I don't think Mizz. Carter would have a job if it wasn't for her amazing husband. Although she is pretty damn awesome as Bellatrix.

I'd marry Bellatrix.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Pre-production and Hometown in Ruins.

So, as is expected with year 12, I am overrun with work and flying-full speed towards the end of the year. This signals the start of my independence. A scary thing to comprehend considering I have never lived alone. I always imagine leaving home and then finding out my hometown was destroyed by some cataclysmic event, killing everyone in it and wiping out my entire family.

That makes me wonder what emotion would fill me more? Remorse for losing my family or absolute relief that I survived? Is life worth living if you don't have a family? My friend always says this quote that we can't actually find the source of; 'What does it matter when you don't have a face?' It is probably appropriate in any occasion. There is no answer to that question as it's completely shocking and once you have recovered from the initial shock you are then left confused and bewildered. In fact, this question may just be the greatest question there has ever been.

Speaking of the greatest things there have ever been:

Yeah. Its coming. Not sure if I have been so excited for anything since this:

By the way, Terminator 4 made me realise that I really do dislike Christian Bale. I mean on a scale of Sylvester Stallone to Nicholas Cage he's probably a Steven Seagal. Perhaps even a Hugh Grant and that's saying something as not many people can be as a big a fool as that bumbling British fool. To save you all from a drawn-out and most probably explicit speal about young Bindi up there I will give you all the pleasure of knowing I am in the pre-production stage of my latest smash hit 'The Room'.

My film centres around four teenagers some time after they have manifested an imaginary room to use as an escape. This room evolves and grows around them, from a old, cluttered house, to an expansive, empty field. The teens are living a life of bliss, without a worry in the world, but not all is rainbows and sunshine in their beloved Room. Nightmares and the gradual decline of their lives alert the teenagers to the fact that perhaps the Room isn't a godsend and perhaps they have run for to long.

That's probably what you would find on the back of the dvd with some rave reviews in crazy fonts all around it. I'd like to say that this idea came to me after hours of brainstorming but truthfully I couldn't sleep one night and at 1 AM I sat up and wrote the entire script. Now if that's not a child genius I don't know what is. But seriously, my J.K Rowling inspired moment came and went and I was left with a skeleton of a script and some notes on techniques and actors I would employ.

That was early April and since then my short film has grown legs and arms, grabbed a basket full of flowers and skipped merrily all the way to this very day, finding joyous friends and laughing jovially every second of its existence. Pushing all Hansel & Gretel incarnations aside, the film is my pride and joy.

Filming begins on Wednesday. And if I had said that out loud it would have been accompanied by a high pitched screech and perhaps even some jumping up and down and grabbing of the shoulders of whoever was in front of me.

I am excited to say the least.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

It is 11:58 PM & your welcome.

In ten years time there will be people reading this and thinking 'Wow, so the rumours are true. He does have a blog that he has wrote for the entirety of his film career'. Because of this I will not only greet those reading this blog in the year 2009, but also those reading this blog from the future.

I am Tom Wilson and I am on my way to becoming the greatest film director to ever emerge from Australia. Big words. I know. I wanted to start this blog so anyone and everyone could follow me and watch as I leave school, enter film school, leave film school and then kick the ENTIRE world's ass with my films.

They'll be the biggest things you've ever seen. They'll be original, mind-boggling, extravagant, beautiful and awe-inspiring. They will make older generations wish they were younger and younger generations wish they were older. They will inspire kids like me to reach for the stars. And they will blow your minds.

But the years of me writing and directing fantastic films as freely as I wish are just out of my grasp. I understand that there is quite a lot of hard work to be done and I intend to do it all. And do it awesomely.

Alas, I am still in my final year of High school. A senior - except without the dentures and concession card. High school is the last bug I must swat. The last Dementor I must Patronus. The last E.T I must ride home on my magic bicycle. The last child until my vasectomy.

Not to fear. It's not as horrible as it sounds. Vasectomy's aren't that bad.

And so begins the Adventures of The Boy Atomic.