Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bones, Drones and Emma Stones.

Holy mother. What a massive couple of months! It seems like the HSC was only yesterday, yet it's now only a few days from Christmas and I find myself, once again, unorganised and unprepared. But, truthfully, nothing can burst my bubble right now, not even the looming shadow of Father Christmas (wielding a sharpened candy cane and a big red sack full of explosives) because less then 48 hours ago I discovered that I have got into film school. Please, save your applause and your congratulatory words for another occasion. I have got so many in the past two days that I now have a head the size of Jupiter and cheeks burning from the increased amount of smiling.

But nonetheless, this is the best news I have ever received (even better then 'I guess I can do it for $3.50', and 'We won't have to amputate your left testicle'), and now begins the countdown to that daunting day where I ascend (or perhaps descend) to independence and move to Melbourne, all alone, with only the clothes on my back, a wallet full of stolen cash and a photograph of my one love, Stella.

Actually, it won't be like that at all, I just thought that sounded romantic. In fact, the day will more likely be full of tears and hugs and delayed confessions of love, but that's the way I expect it to be god damn it!

In other news, the coming weekend brings with it the production of a Tropfest short film. A lady friend and I got talking and it was eventually revealed that not only was I eager to get experience on film sets, but that she was a filmmaker and was making a Tropfest film! (For those of you who don't know what Tropfest is, its the biggest short film festival in Australia and gets applicants from around the world. To even get into the top 50 is a big deal, let alone win it.)

So she has given me a title (The 1st Ad: I yell 'Prepare for shoot!' 'Prepare for rehearsal!' 'Where's my god damn skinny mocha you useless whores!?' etc, etc) but really I am just there to watch, listen and learn. Which is going to be awesome and I'm excited to say the least. Add the fact that she is going to give me a reference to throw into my resume and this weekend looks to be a win/win for everyone.

Not me! Yells Tiger Woods. Meh, who even cares about you? Not me. Actually, on that topic, what an idiot.

End of topic.

In movies news, all the films I have blogged about in the past few months are coming out and surprisingly enough, its the films I didn't blog about that are stealing my attention and love. Films like Zombieland and Paranormal Activity have made a serious impact on me while Where The Wild Things Are seems to have slipped under the radar. Avatar is yet to be released, but everyday the anticipation seems to build, so I hope that it delivers all James Cameron has promised.

Peter Jackson's The Lovely Bones is also something I am excited for, purely for its family-friendly content (rape, murder and crazy dead girls.) But all sarcasm aside, it looks fantastic.

Peter Jackson rules for a huge number of reasons. He makes hawaiian shirts cool, he lost heaps of weight without going on The Biggest Loser and he made Lord Of The Rings but aside from all of that, he emerged from tiny little New Zealand, successfully made the biggest movies series EVER and has sparked a huge boom in films being made there. So in that way I guess he's a bit of a role model for me. And he should be for anyone thinking it's impossible to reach success from nonexistent places.
I've also decided to make a section called: My Badass Babe For Today as we all know I'm obsessed with girls doing hot stuff in movies. Today, the Badass Babe Award goes to Emma Stone.

Not only because she is stunning, an awesome actress (and good acting is hot) but also because she fires a pump-action shotgun like a natural badass. Check out her asskicking performances in Zombieland, The House Bunny and Superbad. In my opinion, she blows the skimpy pants off Megan Fox or any other Hollywood 'hotties'.
Last but not least, I bought the Star Wars original trilogy on DVD and I am going to sit down and watch them all in their remastered glory.

And it's not my fault if I then buy Princess Leia memorabilia on Ebay.

Oh yeah.